Norwood Get Togethers

Norwood residents have asked for more ways to connect -- with their neighbors, with local businesses and organizations, and with government leaders. Our quarterly Get Togethers provide that opportunity for connection.
Each Get Together includes a social time with snacks from 6:30 to 7 pm. We give updates on what's happening around town -- events and city projects -- and give an opportunity for residents to ask questions and connect with the people who can give them the answers.
We hope you can join us!
Here's our 2024 tentative schedule:
Thursday, January 25 - "State of the City" with our mayor, city council committee chairs, and an interactive community development exercise
Thursday, April 25 - "Life-Long Learning" with our school district, library, community center, and Norwood Ready Kids
Thursday, July 18 - "Connecting to Resources" with Norwood’s amazing network of non-profits, community groups, and city officials. Learn how you can interact with, support, and benefit from these organizations
Thursday, October 17- “Healthy Community" with our health department, rec center, and local health resources.